r/HytaleInfo – Hytale beta and full release theory

51 points

Hey guys, due to the lack of blog posts I have been thinking a lot lately of Hytale release date. I’m very certain that the release or beta for that matter is not going to land in 2019. If you want the fast version than here is my prediction for Hytale:

One new blog post before 2020 (mid-December).

The next blog post will be in late January or February.

Then things begin to speed up in March, with probably 2 blog post.

In April there will be way more activity from their twitters, and also around 2 blog posts.

Early May will have 1 blog post and at the end of that month, a new trailer for Hytale will be released.

In June there will be released 2-3 blog post focusing on the more relevant parts of the vanilla Hytale gameplay (farming, mining, gameplay controls, etc.)

The beta will surely happen July or August

The full game release will be late October.

Okay now I’m going to explain my theory;

We know that the Hytale developers had no idea that the trailer was going to go viral with 50 mil views on youtube. This leads me to think that they always planned on releasing it further in the feature. Their plans where probably to use the first trailer to gather a small following so that the next one would have more views and interests. ALSO, it was probably used for seeking out investors. This makes sense as Riot games partnered up/invested in Hypixel Studios soon after. I think they thought that they could release Hytale or at least the beta this year 2019. This explains the high amount of blog posts in that period. THEN a Q2 meeting with the investors happens (I know that a lot of software companies hold a meeting each quarter). Here they probably where advised to act more financially.

Their original plan was maybe that the beta will land late this year lasting until late or early sommer 2020. Where they will update the game regularly until it had all the promised features form the trailer.

After some meetings in Q2 where they advised to act more financially, they concluded 2 things.

In order to maximize the revenue, they should lunch the full buyable version of the game in the leading up to Christmas. Meaning October or November. Graph below shows that the interest in buying games is highest in November December.

Google trends data from search-word “buy game” averaged each month from 2004 to present (https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=Buy game)

2. Learn from the market! Release (including the beta) the promised features from the trailer, to avoid outcomes like Anthem and No Mans Sky.

Learning all of this they found out that they don’t have the time and content for a blog post each week or two for the rest of the year. Leading to my conclusion. They have purposely slowed down the hype and will speed it up again leading up towards the next big trailer and announcement of the beta. This will happen next year as they simply can’t make a beta or full release before December this year. Meaning that they will probably have a trailer ready for early summer next year. Where they will use 1-2 months hype to get people interested again and signed up for the beta that will land around there. Giving the beta late summer is smart as it gives the programmers time to get back from vacation as the number of bugs and issues will probably skyrocket (as they always do with the first release). The beta will probably last till September followed with the full release sometime in October 2020 for that sweet sweet Christmas present money that parents will throw at them till December.

Again this is just a theory, but what do you guys think? Am I wrong, or is there something that seems unlikely? Let’s discuss a little in the comments 😉

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